About me
Hello! I’ve been an educator for nearly 20 years (within Chicago Public Schools since 2007), first as a teacher, and then as a school administrator, social worker, and SEL Lead. I'm currently the Manager of SEL Instruction and Assessment on OSEL's Healing Centered Supports Team, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, and a Conscious Discipline Certified Instructor. Throughout my career, I’ve had experience working with students at all levels, from Pre-K through high school. I believe teaching is one of the toughest and most important professions. I am PASSIONATE about encouraging and supporting administrators and teachers to develop strong relationships with students and families, and among one another, and equipping them with practical skills and strategies to build more peaceful, equitable schools and classrooms that fully integrate restorative practices and discipline, SEL skills and conflict resolution into the fabric of their communities. I believe joy, compassion, and collaboration are essential, not only for student learning, but to sustain educators in the passion and purpose that brought them to the profession.