Monday March 31, 2025 1:55pm - 2:45pm CDT
This session will explore the value of using SEL Skills data to celebrate and leverage students' strengths, and support skill development in areas of need. Participants will learn how to access and use DESSA data reports in the Branching Minds platform to identify strategies and interventions that support students' skill development, including how they might tailor their work with groups of students. Participants will also become more familiar with WCSD-SECA reports and how they can be powerful for engaging stakeholders, particularly student voice to inform decisions impacting tier 1 SEL. This session will be best-suited for counselors at schools that have administered the DESSA in previous cycles, or are planning to administer the assessment in future cycles. Exploration of the WCSD-SECA will provide an opportunity to discern collecting this data, even if their schools have not previously done so.
avatar for Kelly Frazier-Wawire

Kelly Frazier-Wawire

Manager of SEL Instruction and Assessment, Office of Social Emotional Learning
Hello! I’ve been an educator for nearly 20 years (within Chicago Public Schools since 2007), first as a teacher, and then as a school administrator, social worker, and SEL Lead. I'm currently the Manager of SEL Instruction and Assessment on OSEL's Healing Centered Supports Team... Read More →

Rebecca Zisook

SEL Instructional Specialist, Office of Social Emotional Learning
Monday March 31, 2025 1:55pm - 2:45pm CDT

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